“We now have a website to be proud of”

Working out how to present Inn from the Cold’s unusual offering for landlords, in a clear and appealing way, was an interesting challenge!

Jessica’s organisational ability and creativity were fundamental to the Inn from the Cold website. 

She quickly grasped the concepts we were trying to articulate.  

Jessica skilfully facilitated our decision-making by giving us clear choices of both design and text for everything from our logo to images, captions and the main body of textual information.

We now have a website to be proud of  – thank you, Jessica.”

Geoffrey Hand, Inn from the Cold, London

A new website, for a new venture

Boiling the complex down to the simple

This website was a new site, for a new joint venture between two charities, with lots of fantastic ideas and enthusiasm being thrown into the pot.

It was great to help the team hone all their ideas down to the final site.

The finished product hopefully articulates a rewarding opportunity to its target audience – landlords – in a simple and engaging way.

Ready for your lovely clear new site?

Just get in touch.

About Jessica Kennedy

Authored by Jessica Kennedy, the Marketing Chihuahua. Jessica writes text for the websites of small businesses and charities, and provides coaching in blogging and social media. She really enjoys helping people and organisations express themselves fluently online, in painless and practical ways.