Charity marketing

Working out how to present Inn from the Cold’s unusual offering for landlords, in a clear and appealing way, was an interesting challenge! “Jessica’s organisational ability and creativity were fundamental to the Inn from the Cold website.  She quickly grasped the concepts we were trying to articulate.   Jessica skilfully facilitated […]

“We now have a website to be proud of”

Bringing the website of the Robes Project up to date was a very pleasing challenge! “Jessica was great at helping us bring the life back into our outdated charity website. She had a great overall vision for us, as well as spectacular attention to the details. She quickly grasped our […]

“Overall a pleasure to work with”

Working with Geoffrey has been lots of fun! “Jessica has made my new business not only possible but already a great success. From a completely cold start and no other form of promotion, the website and social media campaigns that Jessica has helped me put together, and her patient help in […]

“Jessica has got me to Number One on Google”

Your goal: Using your website to INSPIRE your supporters A great charity website does not just describe your charity – it inspires your supporters. It makes your current and potential volunteers, donors, fundraisers, partner organisations and beneficiaries FEEL GOOD about engaging with your charity. It makes them WANT to get involved. To […]

How to write a great charity website

What does your charity’s website currently focus on? There’s a good chance that it has priorities like this: a. Explaining what the charity does b. Showing the charity’s work in a good light c. Encouraging people to get involved (donors, volunteers, etc) Speak TO your audience, instead of ABOUT your […]

8 charity websites with strong marketing messages